Hey, Everybody!
My friend Yvette just passed her Private Pilot Checkride! YAHOO!!
Every checkride here is special, but this one is even more so. Yvette started training with us a couple of years ago, and for the last year or so, she’s been working here in addition to training here. She’s an integral part of our Seattle Seaplane family, and I just couldn’t be more proud!
Yvette was even featured in the most recent issue of the Seaplane Pilots Association’s magazine, “Water Flying.” She wrote her story for the magazine, about going to southeast Alaska, taking her first floatplane flight, and immediately falling in love with seaplanes. Today, she’s a licensed pilot, certified to fly Single Engine Seaplanes. Wow!
There are very few pilots who earn their initial private certificate in a seaplane. And we here at Seattle Seaplanes are one of the very few places in the world where you can do it. Yvette saw it through from start to finish, smiling all the way.
And, what’s even more special: Yvette joins the ranks of female licensed pilots. Of roughly 600,000 pilots in the USA, only about 40,000 are women. Now there are 40,001. 🙂
When you’re in Seattle, stop by our place to congratulate Yvette! We are all very, very proud of her.
Toby James