Category Archives: Toby

A very sad day….

  Friends of Toby, I am very sorry to report that on June 28, 2016, Toby James crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was just past his 11th birthday, which is a very long life for a Doberman.  He was blessed … Continue reading

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Yvette does it again!! And, I turn 11!

Hey, Everybody! I know it’s been a while – hope everyone’s Spring (or Autumn) has been good.  We are enjoying life here at the seaplane base, and I am delighted to see my pals, the turtles, back here. But enough … Continue reading

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New Year, New People (and ramp!)

Happy 2016! Even though it’s a relatively quiet time of year for us, we are keeping busy down here on Lake Union. I want to introduce you to Joseph, who is helping us out on the weekends. There he is, … Continue reading

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Yvette becomes a Commercial Pilot!!

  Hey, everybody, It’s been a really busy summer – a dog hasn’t had any time to write a blog, in fact! But we wrapped up summer in the most exciting way – our dear Yvette is now a Commercial … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Hey, everyone! Guess what?  On May 21, I am 10 years old! Here’s a picture of me with my brothers and sisters when we were just a few months old. I’m the one not looking at the camera, ‘cuz I … Continue reading

Posted in Destinations, holidays, Lake Union, Staff, Toby | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Beloved visitors….. and water therapy

Hey, everyone! It’s starting to get busy down here at the lake. And we’ve been lucky – we’ve had visits from some wonderful friends.  And, I’ve started water therapy for my arthritis! First things first: Yvette’s mom, Athens, came to … Continue reading

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Spring Cleaning!

Hey, Friends! It’s springtime down here at the lake.  We have baby goslings, swarming honey bees, and…  A clean Doberman!  Yvette gave me a bath, and now I’m springtime fresh. 🙂 And it feels so good to roll afterwards! Come … Continue reading

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Springtime! And, welcome, Crista!

Hey, everybody! We’ve had a very mild winter here on the lake. While our friends on the East coast received more than their share of snow, we’ve gotten practically none in our mountains. The flowers are all about three weeks’ … Continue reading

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Yvette’s on a Roll (really!) (and GO, HAWKS!)

Hi, everyone! I have exciting news — my friend Yvette now has new letters after her name!  She recently traveled to California to hang out with her aunt, who happens to be a CFI and accomplished aerobatic pilot.  Yvette earned … Continue reading

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Yvette’s a Private Pilot!

Hey, Everybody! My friend Yvette just passed her Private Pilot Checkride!  YAHOO!! Every checkride here is special, but this one is even more so.  Yvette started training with us a couple of years ago, and for the last year or … Continue reading

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